
Friday, May 7, 2021

The GROWING POLITICAL CANCERS IN CAMEROON (Culled from New Cameroon News Blog)

 First Published on Friday, October 30, 2020

Most right-thinking Cameroonians know that the comprador Biya regime dominated by ethno-fascists who are using the playbook of the evil six-decade French-imposed system, which is directly responsible for the deaths of close to a million Cameroonians is a cancer haunting Cameroon and Cameroonians.


Pundits among these right-thinking Cameroonians know that the Ambazonian Group  that hijacked — from the civic-nationalists (union-nationalists) and federalists in Anglophone Cameroon — the cause to right the wrongs against, or redress the grievances of the people of the former British Southern Cameroonians (former West Cameroon), began their armed confrontation with the evil system in a thuggish manner.


By Ambazonian Group, I mean those who want to undo the 1961 reunification of the former British Southern Cameroons and the former French Cameroun (the 1960-1961 La Republique du Cameroun) following the February 11, 1961, plebiscite where 70% of voters in British Southern Cameroons opted for the reunification path; by the Ambazonia Group, I mean the secessionists or separatists who are mostly those and the heirs of those who were against reunification in the 1961 plebiscite that brought about the geopolitical remerging of most of the lands of the former German Kamerun.


 The critical analysts among these pundits that have been outspoken about the regime’s bloody methods, and that are concerned about the rapid metamorphosis of the hooliganism of Ambazonian forces into something deadlier and more anti-people — TERRORISM   were afraid  that the growing blood-thirstiness  and sense of impunity among some  in the Ambazonian forces; the Ambazonian  leadership’s lack of maturity in denouncing its claimed ROGUE ELEMENTS, in disciplining them and in being apologetic to the civilian  population affected by their deadly actions, could make the Ambazonian project another cancer in the noble and deeply traumatized Cameroonian soul.

It is about time:

·         the AMBAZONIAN LEADERSHIP comes out, condemns and put a stop to its  supposedly “ROGUE ELEMENTS” that commit/committed atrocities against civilians

·         the AMBAZONIAN LEADERSHIP states CATEGORICALLY, UNEQUIVOCALLY and EMPHATICALLY that its forces would never target “CIVILIANS” again, especially CHILDREN and SCHOOL STAFF, and most especially SCHOOL CHILDREN. 

As a matter of fact, a growing number of critical analysts are beginning to consider  or are already considering Ambazonian forces as another CANCER haunting Cameroon and Cameroonians, and a curse blighting our society west of the River Mungo in what are the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon.


My principal concern is for the overwhelming majority of Cameroonians on both sides of the River Mungo, the people of the reunited former German Kamerun that is today Cameroon, who are being haunted by the national cancer that is the Biya regime and the French-imposed system that has held Cameroon and Cameroonians hostage for the past six decades; my main concern is more especially for the people of the Northwest and Southwest regions that are doubly afflicted by the Biya regime/system, and the  malignancy of Ambazonian forces who in their ANTI-PEOPLE actions are exhibiting abnormalities that are characteristic of cancer on society.


And what has also been observed is that while the Biya regime appears to be making an effort to coat if not mitigate its state terrorism, especially in its utterances, the different Ambazonian Forces have increased their brazenness, to the point where one faction that accuses the other of carrying out the October 20, 2020, Kumba School  Attack that left more than half a dozen schoolchildren dead, has the chutzpah to threaten  the lives of Anglophone Pan-Cameroonian politicians who besides condemning the attack, chided the collective Ambazonian organization for the errors of their ways. Such threats tell us that the impulse to commit acts of terrorism spreads across the different Ambazonia factions, and that there are some in the Ambazonia leadership who do not find the prospect of a conflict between “Ambazonians” and the of rest Anglophone Cameroonians or the population in the Northwest and Southwest regions as something scary if not horrifying.


The focus of Cameroonians, especially its genuine patriots, is to set off a process that would found “THE NEW CAMEROON” by dismantling the anachronistic French-imposed system, redressing the grievances of Cameroon’s different stakeholders and putting in place an efficient framework within which the interests, security, development, prosperity, and dignity of Cameroonians would be guaranteed and safeguarded.


By genuine patriots, I mean those and the heirs of those who participated in the struggle  or campaign for the reunification and independence of the territories of the former German Kamerun, those who cherish the ideals of Cameroon's true heroes; I mean those who abhor the fact that the country is being held hostage by those and the heirs of those who did not participate or support the cause for the country’s reunification and independence (the minority-rule Ahidjo/Biya regimes that was/were given power by usurper France, and the anti- reunificationists who voted to join Nigeria in the 1961 plebiscite in British Southern Cameroons).


I am using the words genuine patriots because the  beneficiaries of the Biya regime and the anti-Cameroonian French-imposed system who are parasitic on Cameroon, the compradors who are in power against the wishes of the overwhelming majority of Cameroonians, and who were put and are being maintained in power by  the imperialistic French political establishment  (responsible for crushing Cameroonian patriots that it cornered into picking up arms to defend the cause for Cameroon’s reunification and independence in the 1950s and 1960s) are now usurping the adjective “CAMEROONIAN PATRIOTS”.  They have wrapped themselves with the Cameroonian flag and are presenting themselves as the force trying to keep Cameroon together, when in reality they baited  and cornered “AMBAZONIANS” (the Anglophone Cameroonians who voted or are the heirs of those who voted for reunification with Nigeria and against reunification with the former French Cameroun in the 1961 plebiscite in British Southern Cameroons) into picking up arms after failing to  redress the grievances of the English-speaking part of Cameroon.


We find today that Cameroon is a country possessed by these so-called patriots of the system, PSEUDO-PATRIOTS or ZOMBIE-PATRIOTS whose ethno-fascism is coated in a twisted form of HATE-DRIVEN-NATIONALISM that sustains its strength by tapping the collaboration of individuals in other groups in Cameroon based on individual interests, and not on the COLLECTIVE CAMEROONIAN INTERESTS, the national interest that every country with a sense of direction cannot do without.  The Pseudo-Patriots are parasitic on Cameroon and are prepared to pay any price to cling to power to the point of making Cameroon a failed state.


There is no humanly acceptable rationale for  the continued existence of the Biya regime, the “Ambazonia Project”, the support of the  foreign powers that backed the anachronistic system for the sake of “FIGHTING COMMUNISM” during the COLD WAR. These great democracies must not continue to be part of Cameroon’s problems, but should rather transform themselves into part of Cameroon’s solution by not only acknowledging the fact that their favorites in Cameroon are leading Cameroonians down the road of dehumanization, but by also heeding the fact that their puppets in power in Cameroon are leading the Cameroonian people and Cameroon into the abyss.


Even as Cameroonians call on the foreign powers to place their loyalty to the Cameroonian people, the vast majority of whom reject the  Biya regime and the system put in place  by France in 1956, they are also  repulsed  by the atrocities  and barbarity of the armed groups in Cameroon, and  are dismayed by Cameroon’s “Establishment Politicians” and “so-called Opposition” who after having convinced themselves  that entrenched interests would not allow the “NEW CAMEROON”  to be born, now make politicking a business, thereby contributing to the moribund system in the country known as "Africa in Miniature" and the "Microcosm of Africa".


It is true that Cameroon is a messed-up country, messed up by internal factors, but more especially by the legacy of colonialism, partition, the cold-war, fascism, imperialism, neocolonialism, geopolitics and perhaps even more. That is why the “GREAT DEMOCRACIES “ of the West who cannot absolve themselves of  their fair share of blame in the Cameroon quagmire, have the moral responsibility  to work with the progressive forces of the land to set up a time table that would  “DISMANTLE THE ANACHRONISTIC ETHNO-FASCIST SYSTEM” before the end of 2021 and establish “THE NEW CAMEROON” that would be the perfect reflection of the 28 Fundamental Principles of the United States of America’s Founding Fathers, especially the principle which states that “All mankind were created equal.”, by which those great minds meant that all mankind are theoretically treated as:

·         Equal before God.

·         Equal before the law.

·         Equal in their rights.


Cameroon and Cameroonians do not deserve their current plight. The land that embodied the best of the African spirit in the first half of the twentieth century, that has exhibited African serenity for a century now,  must not continue to suffer the double whammy of imperialism — the loss of more than half a million lives  in the cause for reunification and independence of the territories from the partitioned German Kamerun  at the hands of France  in collaboration with the puppets it handed power over to in 1960, and today the loss of thousands of Cameroonian lives from an avoidable conflict triggered by the system France has been maintaining in the country since then, and by the heirs of the minority in Anglophone Cameroon that were and are against the reunification of the territories of the former German Kamerun.

I hope Cameroon and  Cameroonians are not being punished for reuniting by foreign interests using  those Cameroonians who did not and never really cherished its reunification --- the Ambazonian forces and the system running the country (France and its puppets)?



Janvier Tchouteu                                           October 30, 2020


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